Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest - Episode 3

Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest - Episode 3

Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest - Episode 3

Niedrigster Preis in den letzten 60 Tagen: 1,58 €

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Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest - Episode 3 - Produktbeschreibung

What do you do if you are the only one left aboard a spaceship? Your team has embarked on a mysterious expedition a few years ago, the ship’s machinery has started acting up and it seems there are ghosts wandering about. Luckily, the black hole above you doesn’t pose any problems…yet.Welcome aboard San-Francisco, a scientific vessel exploring the outer reaches of space. Only two crew members present – lazy board engineer Odysseus, who adores coffee and cookies and robot Barton that seems to know more than it’s willing to tell. One morning the ship’s equipment has malfunctioned, cute laboratory rats are eyeing Oddy with hunger in their sparkly eyes, and on a top of all that – the coffee has gone bad!Are you ready to dive into a delicious world of classic pixelated adventures with intelligent puzzles and a humorous, yet twisted storyline? We’re glad to welcome you aboard this scientific spacecraft. Get ready to solve dozens of satisfying scenarios, uncover the mysteries of San-Francisco, rescue your crew and get back home!

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