Roaming Fortress

Roaming Fortress

Roaming Fortress

Niedrigster Preis in den letzten 60 Tagen: 10,99 €

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Roaming Fortress - Produktbeschreibung

Many years have passed since their mighty fortresses fell and the Manatalopian Knights were forced from their lands. Brutalized by the merciless Goblin Horde, the Knights searched for hope in the borderlands of their fallen kingdom. Domesticating a herd of wild Burdenbeasts, the Knights realized they may have found the secret to reclaiming the lost Kingdom of Manatalopia.The time has come for you to command your own Roaming Fortressand bring the fight to the enemy! Roaming Fortress is a dynamic, unique mix of action, strategy, and defensive game elements that is pushing the boundaries of mobile gaming. With its visually stunning graphics and fast-paced gameplay,Roaming Fortress offers hours of siege and destruction as you... 

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