Guardians of Graxia Elves & Dwarves

Guardians of Graxia Elves & Dwarves

Guardians of Graxia Elves & Dwarves

Niedrigster Preis in den letzten 60 Tagen: 2,99 €

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Guardians of Graxia Elves & Dwarves - Produktbeschreibung

In this first major expansion for Guardians of Graxia, Elves & Dwarves, the world of Graxia is greeted by two new Guardians from faraway islands, Flist the deceitful Elf and Broxin the greedy Dwarf. Included in the expansion are ever more powerful units and abilities that you will be able to use in battle, as well as six additional skirmish maps, some of which randomly generate their tile configuration upon entry! This latest release of Guardians of Graxia requires the core game to play.Key features:2 commanding Guardians:

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