Guardians of Graxia + Map Pack

Guardians of Graxia + Map Pack

Guardians of Graxia + Map Pack

Niedrigster Preis in den letzten 60 Tagen: 5,99 €

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Guardians of Graxia + Map Pack - Produktbeschreibung

Guardians of Graxia takes on the form of a card-based board game set in a floating island environment high in the sky of the Graxia world. Releasing with four powerful Guardians that will guide your armies into battle, charge onto the battlefield by laying out your forces strategically. Gameplay advances in turns by selecting new unit and spell cards to place and move on the tiled map surface. Ultimate victory is achieved by completing any of the numerous skirmishes, or by discovering the secrets of the Guardians in the game's initial campaign!

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